Senin, 29 April 2013

the morning and i

i just want to tell you about my story haha

usually i'm wake in the morning and than turn off my weker in 06.00 or sometimes i'm wake up earlier and then i sitt for little while to erase my headache (ngumpulin nyawa)

after then i'm get a drink of water.. i don't know usually when i wake up from the sleep i feel so thirsty maybe because i'm dreaming in the sleep so when i wake up i feel so thirsty hahaa (gajelas bgt haha).. oke skipp my story while i'm in the bus when i'm go to my campus hha , my bus usually i get ride to my campus the name is "deborah" is the abbreviation from "depok-bogor-jekardah" hahaa i dont know i just kidding :p , and than when i come in my campus i ussually talk with friends while waiting the dosen is came into the class hahaa .. when the dosen came we start study and the class be quite to start the lesson, everybody get seriously to listen the lesson . (biasanya klo masih pagi doang hehe)

i think this enough i tell my story about "the morning and i" ( haha absurd bgt nih cerita )

just share (curhat)

hello meet again with my blog hehe, i'm dunno what i'm must be write with my blog now i'm now don't have an idea, maybe because in this week i'm verry busy with my papper because the papper is so manny and i'm must study hard to my exam haha :D , i just want to share what in my head sorry if this blog annoying hahahahaaa .. bye

Kamis, 25 April 2013

Interesting event

just want to share or sharing about my experience at the time i go to a Trans studio in Bandung West Java, Indonesia of course hahaa ..

in that time Trans studio Bandung recently opened so many people interested  to try a variety of amusement rides there that the place is more comfortable than Dufan (Dunia fantasi ancol, Jakarta), because the arena all the amusement rides there is in the room.. I went there with my family by a car via tol Cipularang ,we reached with less than 4 hours away. I along with my family went in at and we are arrived at from bogor..

and then when we got there in the Trans studio bandung we buy tickets and get breakfast first before attempting all amusement rides there is in the room hahaa, i'm so excited to try all amusement rides in the room :D and the all amusement rides is very nice and extremely adrenaline.. here is the photo of Trans studio bandung check this out :D:D

Trans Studio Bandung

this "jelajah" same with "gondola" in the ancol jakarta

"vertigo" name of that  amusement ride

and that's me wear stripe sweater with my cousin and nephew waiting queue to playing amusement ride hehe...

Rabu, 17 April 2013

Selasa, 16 April 2013

Indonesia Buat Pesawat Tempur Sendiri

LANGKAWI- PT Dirgantara Indonesia (DI) dan BUMN tengah merancang pesawat tempur sendiri. Rancangan pesawat tempur buatan Indonesia tersebut sedang menunggu proses penyempurnaan, dan kira-kira membutuhkan waktu 11 tahun. Rancangan pesawat tempur buatan Indonesia tersebut dikabarkan bernama Indonesia Fighter X (IFX).
“Namanya IFX, yakni Indonesia Fighter X. Jadi X itu nanti nama seri tersendiri,” ujar Vice President Corporate Communication PT DI,  Sonni Ibrahim pada acara Airshow The 12th Langkawi International Maritime & Exhibition, Malaysia, Kamis 28 Maret 2013.
Sonni juga menjelaskan, penyelesaian pesawat tempur buatan Indonesia ini telah memasuki tahap II. “Proyek ini dimulai sejak 2010, sekarang sedang memasuki tahap II, yakni Go no Go,” tuturnya.
Sonni menjelaskan untuk menyelesaika proyek ini, setidaknya harus melalui empat tahapan. “Tahapan I Teknologi and Development. Tahap ini sudah selesai pada Desember 2012. Lalu Tahap II Go no Go, saat ini kita di tahap ini. Tahap III, yaitu Enginering Development, Protipe dan Sertifikasi dan tahap terakhir produksi. Semuanya ini memakan waktu 11 tahun, dan Indonesia akan punya pesawat tempur buatan sendiri,” jelasnya. (TM)

Senin, 01 April 2013



aku terbangun dimalam yang gelap ini
yang ada hanya hening 
berteman dengan kesepian

ingin asaku 
merubah keheningan adan kesunyian ini 
menjadi pagi dan mentari 
yang indah dalam anganku

namun apa dayaku.. 
ku hanya bisa menunggumu 
wahai pagi dan mentariku ... 

Macam-Macam Tenses

oke sekarang gw mau ngepost materi blog tugas gw tentang berbagai macam tenses dalam bahasa inggris sekalian sharing tentang pelajaran-pelajaran dulu waktu masih sekolah hehe.. oke semoga bermanfaat :D 

Tenses adalah suatu bentuk kata kerja dalam tata bahasa yang menunjukan waktu terjadinya suatu perbuatan atau peristiwa dan tahap penyelesaiannya.
Dalam bahasa inggris tenses digolongkan menjadi 16 yang masing-masing mempunyai penggunaan dan fungsi yang berbeda-beda dan kita dapat menggolongkannya menjadi lebih mudah dengan menggolongkannya sesuai dengan waktu atau terjadinya peristiwa.. 
berikut adalah materinya .... 

present tense

  •  simple present tense
  •  present continous tense
  •  present perfect tense
  •  present perfect continous tense

past tense

  •  simple past tense
  •  past continous tense
  •  past perfect tense
  •  past perfect continous tense

future tense

  •  future tense
  •  future continous tense
  •  future perfect tense
  •  future perfect continous tense

future past tense

  •  future past tense
  •  future past continous tense
  •  future past perfect tense
  •  future past perfect continous tense

Rumus-rumus tenses

present tense

1. simple Present tense (kebiasaan / sederhana sekarang)
Biasanya to be nya adalah I/you/we/they (am/are) , He/she/it (is)
Rumus: I/you/we/they + verb1
            He/she/it +verb1

2. Present continous tense (waktu sedang berlangsung sekarang)
Rumus: I/you/we/they + to be (am/are) + v1
            He/she/it + tobe (is) + verb1 (ing)

3. present perfect tense (kalimat sempurna selesai sekarang)
Rumus: I/you/we/they + have + v3
            He/she/it + has + v3

4. present perfect continous tense(sedang berlangsung selesai sekarang)
Rumus: I/you/we/they + have + been + v1 + ing
            He/she/it + has + been + v1 + ing

past tense

5. simple past tense (bentuk lampau sederhana)
Rumus: I/you/we/they/He/she/it + v2

6. past continous tense (sedang berlangsung lampau)
Rumus: I/you/we/they + was + v1 + ing
            He/she/it + were + v1 +ing

7. past perfect tense (sempurna selesai lampau)
Rumus: I/you/we/they/He/she/it + had + v3

8. past perfect continous tense (sedang berlangsung selesai lampau)
Rumus: I/you/we/they/He/she/it + had + been + v1 +ing

future tense

9. simple future tense (akan dating sederhana)
Rumus: I/we + shall + v1
            You/they/she/it + will + v1

10. future continous tense (akan sedang berlangsung)
Rumus: I/we + shall +  be + v1 + ing
            You/they/she/it + will +  be + v1+ ing

11. future perfect tense (sempurna selesai akan datang)
Rumus: I/we + shall +have + v3
            You/they/she/it +will + have +v3

12. future perfect continous (sedang berlangsung selesai akan datang)
Rumus: I/we + shall + have been + v1 + ing
            You/they/she/it +will + have been + v1 + ing

future past tense

13. past future tense (lampau akan datang)
Rumus: I/we + should + v1
            You/they/she/it +would + v1

14. past future continous tense (akan sedang erlangsung dimsa datang)
Rumus: I/we + should + be + v1 +ing
            You/they/she/it +would + be + v1 +ing

15. past future perfect tense (pada masa lampau akan selesai sempurna)
Rumus: I/we + should + have + v3
            You/they/she/it +have + v3

16. past future perfect continous tense (pada masa lampau waktu akan sudah terjadi)
Rumus: I/we + should + have + been+ v1 +ing
            You/they/she/it +would + have +been + v1+ing.

*sumber : kamus lengkap inggris-indonesia;Rudy Haryono, Mahmud mahyong, MA;Penerbit Cipta Media surabaya

sekian ya materi dari gw cape jg nih ngetik ama ngeliatin kamus haha semoga nambah2 ilmu dan makin bermanfaat buat semua orang amiin...